1.1 Step 1
1.2 Step 2
1.3 Step 3
1.4 Activating your account
Choosing your race and hero
3. Building your Kingdom
3.1.1 Mines3.2 Offensive buildings/weapons
3.1.2 Workshops
3.1.3 Castle Upgrades
3.3 Defense Upgrades
3.4 Population Upgrades
Military Tactics
6.The Game
For playing Race Conflicts you are required to create an account. You can create an account easily by clicking the Register Button on the main page.
Step 1
You are next required to enter a username and e-mail account, and a password.
Your username is the name under which the players of the Race Conflicts will
recognize you. The e-mail password is required for registering, in the next
30 min after registering you will receive a message that will announce that
your account was created and that you must activate your account before starting
to play. The password is for securing your account so no one will access the
account but you.
Step 2
Next you must fill the required fields with your name, gender, birth date and
country, this information is for statistic purposes only.
Step 3
If you are to play the game you MUST agree to the
Terms of Use and the Rules. Please read them before you start playing.
Activating your account
Your membership information has been mailed to your email address. Please check
it and follow the directions.
Raceconflicts provides you with 8 types of races:
The Maximum Hero Stats of each race are as follows:
: The Humans are fairly balanced but they do excel in relations. |
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: A strange race, living underground and extracting metal and minerals.
There is little known about them. |
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: Protectors of the Nature and the Trees these immortal souls have dedicated
their lives to protecting the Nature. |
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: Mysterious race, descending from the elves, they are more specialized
in the art of war than the elf. |
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Orc : The orcs, once under the power of the DarkLord have finally escaped his rule of chaos and once free they established a new society. |
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Goblin : A supposed descending race from the orcs, the goblins specialized in building machines and other contraptions. |
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Undead : Once living creates, they return to the living planes as nothing but flesh and will. |
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Deamon: Once the orcs left him, the DarkLord summoned upon his personal army an, army made of warriors and creatures long dead, but recalled with both flesh and soul. |
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Abbrev. | Meaning |
Description/Bonuses |
IN | [Intelligence] | How bright
and smart your character is. Adds +1 to unarmed, necromancy, sneak, sentinel, forge, build, outdoorsman, estates. |
ST | [Strenght] | The physical
strength of your character. This statistic affects your ability to do
damage and use powerful weapons effectively. Adds +1 to polemastery, swordmastery, unarmed, veteran, build. |
AG | [Agility] | How well
your character moves.It will also affect the rating of many physical skills. Adds +1 to archery, sneak, veteran. |
EN | [Endurance] | How tough
your character is. Characters with a high Endurance can take more damage,
and they are more resistant. Adds +1 to polemastery, swordmastery, traps. |
PE | [Perception] | The ability
to see and hear. A high Perception is critical for sharpshooting characters. Adds +1 to archery, sneak, sentinel, veteran, traps. |
CH | [Charisma] | The ability
to look good and act charming. Adds +1 to mercenary, trade, speech, lead, estates. |
LK | [Luck] | This is
the most unusual of all of the primary statistics. It covers nothing at
all, a little bit of some things and everything. All at once. Luck affects
many things in tiny amounts. Adds +1 to archery, unarmed, traps, sneak, sentinel, trade, mercenary. |
The Maximum Hero Stats means that this is the maximum values that can be achieved but you only have 25 points to distribute so think first before you distribute your Stat Points. During the game you will Not gain extra points to distribute to Stats.
Name |
Description |
the defense and offence of the archers |
mastery |
the defense and offence of the pikemens |
Swordman |
the defense and offence of the swordmens |
do extra damage to the opponent using the unused population. |
healing of major wounds, and crippled or broken bones. Recovers soldiers
from a fight. |
art of moving silently. Increases the spy offence. |
skill in placing traps. Increases the defense. |
skill of trading items. A good Trade skill will allow you to trade less
and get more. |
skill of attracting people. Increases the population per turn |
the numbers of mercenaries per turn |
Forge |
knowledge of forging weapons. Decreases the costs of weapons. |
knowledge of building. Decreases the costs of buildings. |
well you can extract stone or produce wood. |
skill to produce money with the use of lands. |
well you can talk to other people. Decreases the cost of soldiers and
the tax of the mercenaries. |
ability of noticeing the strange people. Increases the spy defense. |
in the battles you have gained experience in the art of fighting. Increases
the offence. |
Mercenary |
mercenary offence and defense |
Note that the
value is not actually the percentage value which the ability will be increased,
let us pretend that you have 20 points distribute to your Assassin skill the
actual percentage value which the Assassin skill
will be increased is: skill*0,75=real percentage value
so for us is 20*0.75=15%. As you noticed the maximum
value of 100 to your skills is equivalent to
a maximum growth in your skill by 75%.
As you advance in level you will get extra points to distribute to your Skills.
There are three types of buildings Upgrades, Offence, Defense and Population buildings.
The Upgrade type in which you can upgrade your castle with buildings making it more useful and efficient.
There are 8 types of mines: Coal Mine, Copper Mine, Iron Mine, Silver Mine, Gold Mine, Diamond Mine, Woodcutter, Quarry. Each mine requires different resources to be built as follows:
Name |
Percentage added to income: |
Coal Mine |
10% Level Requirement: 1 |
Copper Min |
15% Level Requirement: 5 |
Iron Mine |
20% Level Requirement: 9 |
Silver Mine |
25% Level Requirement: 13 |
Gold Mine |
30% Level Requirement: 17 |
Diamond Mine |
35% Level Requirement: 25 |
Name |
Units Produced |
Woodcutter |
2 units/turn | |||
Quarry |
2 units/turn |
Note that Woodcutters and Quarrys can only be built in number of 3 per level.
Name | Gold | Wood | Stone | Weapons produced | |||
Fletcher's Workshop | 2500 | 100 | None |
Poleturner's Workshop | 3500 | 150 | None |
Blacksmith's Workshop | 7500 | 100 | None |
Tanner's Workshop | 4500 | 100 | None |
Armourer's Workshop | 12500 | 100 | None |
You have 5 workshops that you can build.
Each workshop provides you with the means necessary to build weapons and armors
which are needed to train soldiers.
Castle Upgrades
In this section you can build:
Offensive buildings/weapons
Here you can build: Ballistas, Mangonels, Catapults, Trebuchets, Battering Rams,Siege
Towers and Siege Elephants. Each of them will give you a bonuses at your offensive stat.
Name |
Percentage added to Offence: |
Ballistas |
5% Level Requirement: 1 |
Mangonels |
7% Level Requirement: 3 |
Catapults |
10% Level Requirement: 5 |
Trebuchets |
15% Level Requirement: 9 |
Battering Rams |
20% Level Requirement: 12 |
Siege Towers |
25% Level Requirement: 15 |
Siege Elephants |
30% Level Requirement: 20 |
Defense Upgrades
The Defense upgrades are: Protective pads, Wooden Wall, Low stone wall, High
stone wall, Crenelated Wall, Lookout Tower, Perimeter Tower, Defense tower,
Square tower, Killings Pits, Pitch Ditch, Braziers, Round Tower and the Moat.
Name |
Percentage added to Defense: |
Protective pads |
2% Level Requirement: 1 |
Wooden Wall |
5% Level Requirement: 1 |
Low stone wall |
10% Level Requirement: 5 |
High stone wall |
15% Level Requirement: 9 |
Crenelated Wall |
20% Level Requirement: 15 |
Lookout Tower |
5% Level Requirement: 1 |
Perimeter Tower |
0% Level Requirement: 0 |
Defense Tower |
15% Level Requirement: 9 |
Square Tower |
20% Level Requirement: 15 |
Round Tower |
25% Level Requirement: 20 |
Killing Pits |
2% Level Requirement: 3 |
Pitch Ditch |
10% Level Requirement: 5 |
Braziers |
5% Level Requirement: 7 |
Moat |
10% Level Requirement: 20 |
Stone Gatehouse |
10% Level Requirement: 25 |
Population Upgrades
Here you can purchase different accessories that will increase the population
that you will receive per turn.
Name | Description / Utilization |
Houses | This
building give you the space needed for the population to live the more
you build the more the population you will have. (Max of 3 per level) |
Extra Houses | When you reached the maximum houses you can build per level you can still build houses but this houses will cost an extra 5% on all resources each time you build one the price will rise with 5%. |
Flags | Available
to: Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and NightElfs. Allows you to build Flags making
your castle more attractive there for increasing the number of population
you receive per turn. You can build 1 from 2 to 2 levels. |
Communal Gardens | Available
to: Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and NightElfs. Allows you to build Communal
Gardens making your castle more attractive there for increasing the number
of population you receive per turn. You can build 2 from 3 to 3 levels. |
Town Gardens | Available
to: Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and NightElfs. Allows you to build Town Gardens
making your castle more attractive there for increasing the number population
you receive per turn. You can build 3 from 4 to 4 levels. |
Statues | Available
to: Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and NightElfs. Allows you to build Statues making
your castle more attractive there for increasing the number of population
you receive per turn. You can build 4 from 5 to 5 levels. |
Shrines | Available
to: Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and NightElfs. Allows you to build Shrines making
your castle more attractive there for increasing the number of population
you receive per turn. You can build 5 from 6 to 6 levels. |
Heads on Spikes | Available
to: Orcs, Goblins, Undeads and Deamons. Allows you to build Heads on Spikes
making your castle more interesting there for increasing the number of
population you receive per turn. You can build 1 from 2 to 2 levels. |
Burning Stakes | Available
to: Orcs, Goblins, Undeads and Deamons. Allows you to build Burning Stakes
making your castle more interesting there for increasing the number of
population you receive per turn. You can build 2 from 3 to 3 levels. |
Streching Racks | Available
to: Orcs, Goblins, Undeads and Deamons. Allows you to build Streching
Racks making your castle more interesting there for increasing the number
of population you receive per turn. You can build 3 from 4 to 4 levels. |
Dungeons | Available
to: Orcs, Goblins, Undeads and Deamons. Allows you to build Dungeons making
your castle more interesting there for increasing the number of population
you receive per turn. You can build 4 from 5 to 5 levels. |
Gibbers | Available
to: Orcs, Goblins, Undeads and Deamons. Allows you to build Gibbers making
your castle more interesting there for increasing the number of population
you receive per turn. You can build 5 from 6 to 6 levels. |
Military Tactics
Building an army is easy but hiring is easier. You have the choice to train
soldiers or buy mercenaries but with a cost per turn. Wedge your choices carefully.
Name | Gold | Offence | Defense | Requirements |
Archer | 1500 | 10 | 60 | 1x![]() |
LongbowMan | 4000 | 30 | 180 | 1x![]() ![]() |
Elite Archer | 20300 | 150 | 900 | 1x![]() ![]() |
SpearMan | 4500 | 30 | 30 | 1x![]() ![]() ![]() |
Skirmisher | 500 | 450 | 450 | 1x![]() ![]() |
PikeMan | 3620 | 90 | 90 | 1x![]() ![]() |
SwordMan | 1250 | 65 | 15 | 1x![]() ![]() ![]() |
Two Handed SwordMan | 3000 | 195 | 45 | 1x![]() ![]() |
Champion | 20000 | 975 | 225 | 1x![]() ![]() |
Name | Gold | Offence | Defense | Upkeep |
Crossbow | 5000 | 50 | 300 | 100 |
Knight | 10000 | 300 | 20 | 200 |
Throwing Axe Man | 2500 | 50 | 50 | 50 |
Name | Gold | Offence | Defense | Upkeep |
Spy | 800 | 50 | None | 30 |
Sentinel | 500 | None | 50 | 40 |
goal of the game is to be the most powerful player, so in order to do that there
are some simple rules that you must or will obey.
Let us talk about the start.
10.000 gold in cash
You start with 10.000 in cash that means any one can take money from your cash
reserve during an attack.
The cash reserve is shown in your left on the
third vertical tab part of the screen it states the value you have in cash and
the income you make per turn.
in bank
Also you have 100.000 gold pieces in Bank, the bank is the part where you can
store your money safely and no one can take them.
500 stone
Note that these
resources can not be taken from you.
wood and stone reserve is shown in your left on the third vertical tab part
of the screen.
Available space for the population. It means that you can have a maximum of
700 population.
The houses are shown in your left on the fifth
vertical tab part of the screen it states the number of houses you have out
of the maximum number at your level and the number of extra house you have built.
available population
Available population is the population that for the moment being just waits
for you to give them a command. Available population can be trained in soldiers
of workers.
The population is shown in your left on the fifth
vertical tab part of the screen it states the population out of maximum population
that can be reached and the available population that can be used.
trained workers on the Estates
Workers are the types of population that works on lands and gives you income.
The more workers you have the more income you receive. 1 land can be worked
only by 10 workers and you gain an amount of 20 gold per worker.
The number of workers is shown in your left on
the sixth vertical tab part of the screen it states the number of worker that
are working on your lands.
The land is the actual size of your kingdom; land can be taken of bought. If
you buy land you will receive the x amount of land you bought multiplied by
2. It means that when you buy land you receive the double sum of land you buy,
that is because half of it is yours and no one can take it away from you but
the other half can be conquered buy anybody that wins an attack on you. This
means that you now actually own 20 land and 20 can be conquered.
The land is shown in your left on the sixth vertical
tab part of the screen it states the number of land you own and the total number
of land you have in this instant.
Morale is very important if you have a high morale your troops will fight better
there for generating more defense/offence points. Note that if you drop to low
on morale your troops might not go to battle. The way you can gain or lose morale
you win when you attack you will gain +2 morale
if you lose when you attack you will gain -3 morale
if you win when defending you will gain +1 morale
if you lose when defending you will gain -1 morale
The morale is shown in your left on the second vertical tab part of the screen and it states the value of your morale.
Fatigue is too important. It shows the state in which your soldiers are 100
fatigue means that they are fresh and that they can attack, and more giving
you a bonus of 20%. When you attack you lose fatigue in the following manner:
if you win when you attack you will gain -2 fatigue
if you lose when you attack you will gain -3 fatigue
if you win when defending you will gain -1 fatigue
if you lose when defending you will gain -1 fatigue
is for the starting point next you will be explained the menu:
Fatigue and Morale consequences:
You will gain 5 fatigue points per turn
If you have -100 fatigue you can't attack
If you have less then -75 fatigue and less then -50 morale you can't attack
Next you will be familiarized with the menu
Main Menu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu |
Home | Hero | Profile | Logout | Manual | Credits | - |
- here you can see
your Stats from defensive stats to offensive, exp needed and other important
things. At the bottom of the page you can see your battle logs and your siege
logs, and some short information about them.
Menu | Description |
Hero | This is the page where you can distribute the Skill and Stat points of your Hero |
Profile | In this page you can alter your profile if you want to change how people see you in the game |
Logout | Click this link when you are finished playing the game for now and you do not want somebody else to alter your player |
Manual | This Manual |
Credits | The page where you can see the people that made the game and the people that helped them. |
Main Menu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu |
Build | Upgrades | Offence | Defense | Population | - | - |
Menu | Description |
Upgrades | This is the page where you can build Upgrades to your Castle |
Offence | In this page you can build offensive Upgrades making your Army more powerful |
Defense | In this page you can build Defensive Upgrades making your Castle more powerful |
Population | Population Upgrades build houses and make your castle more interesting/attractive |
Main Menu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu |
Train | Soldiers | Recruit | Hire Spies | - | - | - |
Menu | Description |
Soldiers | This is the page where you can train soldiers if you have the necessary resources for them to be trained. |
Recruit | Here you can Hire Mercenaries if you have built the Mercenary Outpost |
Spies | You can hire Spies or Sentinels if you have a Spy Center |
Main Menu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu |
Economy | Estates | Workshops | Trade | Bank | - | - |
Menu | Description |
Estates | The page where you can buy land and train workers |
Workshops | The page where you can build weapons for the soldiers |
Trade | Here you can trade resources. |
Bank | The Bank, here you can store your money safely. |
Estates - Here you can buy land. If you buy land you will receive the x amount of land you bought multiplied by 2. It means that when you buy land you receive the double sum of land you buy, that is because half of it is yours and no one can take it away from you but the other half can be conquered buy anybody that wins an attack on you.
Trade - You have a limited number of transactions depending on your trade skill and level. The number of transactions only apply when you sell goods and don't apply to stone and wood. You can make money out of trade:
Ex. weapon cost 10000 gp;
Trade(Skill)=0 buy=12500 sell=2500
Trade(Skill)=100 buy=5000 sell=5000
Forge(Skill)=100 produce costs 2500
Main Menu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu |
Attack | Monsters | Kingdoms | - | - | - | - |
Menu | Description |
Monsters | Attack a Monster |
Kingdoms | Attack other players |
Monster - here you can see the rank, monster, level, victims, bonuses, time born of the monster. Where the monster is the name of the monster, level is the level where he is (Note that only a player of his level can attack him. For example if you are level 9 you can only attack level 9 monsters), the bonuses you receive like: gold, exp, points for the Main Stats and weapons, and the time he was born. Be careful at attacking monsters because you can suffer grate casualties.
You can attack only monsters that are same level as you.You can attack only 3 monsters of your level.If a monster defeats you, you can not attack him again and so you can attack 2 more monsters only. You can attack a monster only when he is available If you defeat him he is dead forever but still can see who killed him.
Kingdoms - when attacking a player you will see:
Won/You Lose
Gold Plundered
Your army
Enemy army
Soldiers lost
Soldiers killed
Total soldiers involved
Total soldiers remaining
war victims
Land won
that you can only attack a player 5 times in 20 hours.
Main Menu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu | SubMenu |
Community | News | Compose | Inbox | Rankings | Forum | - |
Menu | Description |
News | The page where you can see any changes in the game. |
Compose | Here you can write a message to a player |
Inbox | Here you can read messages from other players |
Rankings | The page that contains various rankings. |
Forum | The Forum. |
Forum - Here you can talk about the game with different people. To post a message or reply you must first log in. To log in you will use your account id and your password.